Klenviron Technologies

Klenviron Technologies

Cleaning Air pollution one particle at a time

Klenviron Technologies Private Limited is a dedicated team of Engineers, R&D Specialist, and Marketers based in Mumbai, committed to tackling the critical issue of air pollution, particulate matter, especially ultra fine dust that wreak havoc on our lungs and overall health.

Pamares in Mumbai

Our Made in India solution: Pamares

PAMARES is our unique patented air purification system designed in the Netherlands and locally manufactured in India, combining global expertise with Indian innovation.

This unique system attracts and collects ultra-fine dust without requiring filters or moving parts.

The situation in Mumbai is concerning, and various proactive steps need to be implemented to mitigate the levels of particulate matter in the air.


In response to the recent surge in air pollution, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has undertaken various commendable efforts to reduce it, such as:


  • Washing roads and dividers
  • Issuing work notices to construction sites
  • Requiring construction buildings to be covered with green nets
  • Shutting down bakeries using wood as fuel

BMC considered the use of PAMARES in Mumbai, a filterless technology, that utilizes electrostatic principles for air purification. 


This medium-free technology uses electric charges to remove impurities, including solid particles and liquid droplets, from the air. Its unique feature is that it applies energy only to the specific particulate matter targeted for collection particularly ultra fine dust PM 2.5 and below.

Join the Movement for a Clean Air

We invite collaborations with government departments, private companies, decision-makers, and knowledge partners across India and C40 Major Cities to integrate Pamares into their Clean air quality initiatives. 


Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.

How can we help?